102 health institutions functioning in Bandipora
Health is wealth. Nobody can challenge or compromise this commonly used Maxim. It is peerless. There is no alternative which can be used as health. A poor peasant with good health is happier than a rich person with poor health.
The health sector is prime concern of every individual, household, society and the more of the state. Strenuous efforts are underway to make this sector more effective and sustainable.
The present dispensation headed by Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti has kept this sector on its top priority, with its main aim to extend health care facilities to the rural and far-flung areas.
District Bandipora, which is situated at a distance of about 60 KMs from the capital city Srinagar, with a population of 392232 (census 2011) has a network of 102 health institutions to provide best possible Medicare facility to the people as per the present day requirements. This include: one District Hospital, three Community Health Centres, 27 Primary Health Centres and 71 sub-centres. These health institutions are administratively looked after by three Medical Blocks.
There is strength of 820 medical and Para-medical staff in the district which includes 21 specialists, 52 medical officers
During past fifteen months 809027 outdoor and 29776 indoor patients have been provided health care facilities in the district. 1714 major and 19448 minor surgeries conducted during the same period, besides 4066 deliveries. These health institutions also conducted 250076 lab tests, 1066 USGs, 31813 X-Rays and 9122 ECG’s during the same period in the district. Revenue of over rupees one Crore has been generated as ticket/lab test and other fee which was incurred in full on various components to improve the health care facilities in the district.
The present Government puts concerted efforts to upgrade the health scenario of the district by improving facilities in existing health institutions and extending the network of health institutions to cover rural and far flung areas.
Presently, 32 health institutions costing Rs 56.65 crore are under execution in all the three Assembly Constituencies of the district viz. Gurez, Bandipora and Sonawari. The construction programme is being carried out by R&B department, Jammu and Kashmir Projects construction Corporation and Jammu and Kashmir Housing Board.
Over Rs. 51.78 crore have been spent on the execution of these projects till March 2017 while as Rs. 72.54 lakh are being incurred during current financial year. These projects include District Hospital Bandipora which is coming up at a cost of Rs. 24.33 crore. The Hospital is at final stage of completion with Rs.24.25 crore expenditure up to march 2017.
The 100 bedded Hospital is located near famous Nishat Park in Bandipora Town and shall be equipped with all high end facilities.
The projects which are almost near completion include Community Health Centre, Ajas; Sub Centre Hakabara, Asham, Gundiboon, Vijpara , Chandanheer and Markundal with commutative expenditure of Rupees2.50 crore.
Primary Health Centre (PHC) Trigam, NTPHC Nowgam, PHC Amchikundal Baharabad, additional accommodation for PHC Hajin, Allopathic dispensary at Burnai Tulial are also progressing at an estimated cost of Rs. 1.76 crore, Rs.1.81 crore, Rs. 93.92 lacs, Rs.1.64 crore and Rs. 1.67 crore respectively.
To provide better diagnostic facilities in the existing health institutions of the district, 11 machinery equipment including Multi- Channel ECG and Labour Room Delivery Electric Bed costing Rs. 36 lac have been installed during the current year.
The district has a fleet of 48 ambulances / vehicles available in all the 3 blocks of Hajin, Gurez and Bandipora.
National Health Mission, earlier known as National Rural Health Mission is also playing a vital role in extension and improving of Health care facilities in the district. The key strategies of the mission includes establishment of the District health societies, Rogi kalyan samities (RKS), Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committees, engagement of ASHA workers , establishment of Baby Care Corners and other related activities, aiming at to involve society for better Improvement of health sector.
Janani Suraksha Yojna (JSY) is the safe motherhood intervention with the objective of maternal and neonatal mortality by promoting institutional deliveries among poor pregnant women.
During last financial year 4367 mothers have been given incentive under JSY for institutional and home deliveries in both rural and urban areas, while as ASHA workers have been given incentive for 5464 cases under the said scheme.
Under Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram( JSSK) thousands of pregnant women have been provided free Medicare facilities including drugs and diagnostic facilities , besides free referral transport.
Under Immunization programme, 4137 BCG, 3267 LPV III and 6802 Measles doses have been administered during the year 2016-17.
Another important scheme Rashtriya Bal Swasthya karyakram (RBSK) of National Health Mission is aiming at early identification and early intervention for children from birth to 18 years to cover defects of birth , deficiencies , diseases and development delays including disability.
During the year 2016-17, 57538 beneficiaries of 0-18 years have been screened while as 6098 children found positive for identified health conditions and reoffered to Community Health Centres/ tertiary care institutions.
During last financial year Rs. 8.41 core have been incurred on various programmes of National Health Mission including Baseflexipool, Immunization, NRHM Additionalities and pulse polio, JSY, JSSK and other heads.
Indian System of Medicine (ISM) is also playing an important role in extending health care facilities in the district. The system is administratively controlled by District Nodal Officer ISM.
During the year 2016-17, 123184 patients have been provided health care facilities under AYUSH .As many as 24 outdoor camps have been organised in the district ,in which 9783 patients have been treated while as 65 school health and hygiene camps have also been organised in which 1909 school children have been treated.
The efforts put in place by the Government for further development of the health sector in the district is not the end point but is a continuous process as there is always scope for further improvement of the sector.

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