Take effective conservation measures in Kandi areas, Minister tells officers
Minister for Forests, Ecology and Environment Choudhary Lal Singh convened a meeting to review the progress registered under State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (State CAMPA) and to discuss the works to be taken up on priority during this fiscal.
While addressing the officers Ch Lal Singh said that necessary Soil and Water Conservation measures especially in Kandi areas should be taken up to augment the availability of water by way of rehabilitation of existing ponds and other water bodies. He stressed on planting fruit bearing trees in wildlife areas to minimize man-animal conflict
Highlighting the need to undertake plantation along the road side on available land and adjoining forest compartments in both the regions of the State, the Minister said that these green belts will act as the lungs of the cities to minimize the effect of pollution.
He also directed the concerned for development of Jambu and Pahalgam Zoos on priority, as these are the mainstay of ecotourism near the cities.
The Minister further said that development of infrastructure such as tourist huts, landscaping, beautification of areas and creation of other logistic facilities for tourists in a planned manner will provide the necessary boost to ecotourism in the State.
Emphasizing the need for production of quality plants, the Minister advised Director, SFRI to accelerate the development of five model nurseries each in Jammu & Kashmir regions.
During the meeting, a detailed presentation was made by CCF (CAMPA) ,N.P. Singh, and Regional Wildlife Warden ,Dr. Senthil Kumar.
The meeting was attended by, PCCF A.K. Singh and HoFF, Suresh Chugh, PCCF/Wildlife and senior forest officers.

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