Freedom of expression of people being choked: Nayeem Khan
Senior Hurriyat leader and Jammu Kashmir National Front chairman, Nayeem Ahmad Khan, on Saturday urged upon his party workers to exhibit extra persistence in the present times. He said that the whole state apparatus is working with a mindset of coercion.
Nayeem Khan was addressing senior party office bearers at the party headquarters. He said that all the space for freedom of expression has been choked and the state has come out with its full forces against the youth.
With the authorities working on a single agenda of suppressing the voices of common people, it was the utmost responsibility of the political activists to remain more vigilant and exhibit extraordinary commitment.
Expressing concern over brazenly banning all kinds of student activism, Nayeem Khan said that students feel suffocated in the present atmosphere.
“The youth have opted for raising their voice only because they are not being allowed to put their views across and the situation has compelled them to take to streets.”
He said that the killing and arrest spree is the result of unethical approach towards Kashmiris. However, Centre is unable to accept the hard realities. He said that killings, arrests and torture cannot force the people to compromise on their right to self-determination.

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