SKIMS to Organize Conference on NCDs
Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Soura is organizing the 2nd J&K Medical Science Congress (JKMSC 2017) from 10th -12th May, 2017, and 1st Annual Conference of Metabolic syndrome-Prediabetes-PCOS Society (M P PCOS CON 2017) from 12th -13th May, 2017 at SKICC. The theme of the conference is “Expanding the Spectrum of PCOC.) Researchers, doctors, clinicians and students across the spectrum are expected to be the part of the conference.
Importantly, the M P PCOS Society is a not-for-profit, scientific body of professionals across multiple disciplines of medicine dedicated to promote research, hold CME’s and increase awareness among public and professionals about non-communicable diseases (NCD’s) related to changes in lifestyle.
Prof A G Ahangar, Director SKIMS, said that he was confident about the conference that it will provide an opportunity to the students, research scholars, paramedics, and clinicians from all the related disciplines to share their knowledge, information and experience of the field.
“Many international and national speakers will be interacting with our clinicians, scientists, researchers, students and other stakeholders” adding that “it will surely be of immense help to improve the research and development activities globally in the area of life style diseases especially PCOS,” he said
As per the organizing committee, a strong scientific collaboration is expected as the outcome of this conference where research scholars and students from different universities have submitted their abstracts. Those abstracts, once accepted will be published in Supplement Issue of Journal of Medical Sciences, (SKIMS) and in Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR).
Apart from renowned doctors, researchers, students from various state universities, including University of Kashmir are also expected to participate in the conference, Dr Ahangar added.

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