KV Network

Police seeks help in tracing missing youth

Police seeks help in tracing missing youth

Bilal Ahmad Sopore: Sopore Police has sought the help of the general public to trace out the missing person namely Zahid Rashid Bhat S/o Abdul Rashid Bhat R/o Malpora Pandithan Bomai Sopore Age 20 years. Police said that One Abdul Rashid father of missing person reported Police Station Bomai that his son went missing from […]

 KV Network

Grenade hurled towards ex-MLA’s residence

Srinagar: Suspected Militants Monday hurled a grenade towards the residence of an ex-MLA in Zawoora Shopian. The grenade, however,  exploded outside the residence. No injury was has been reported so far. More Details awaited

 KV Network

Update: 5 BSF troopers wounded in Panth Chowk attack

Update: 5 BSF troopers wounded in Panth Chowk attack

Srinagar: Five Border Security Force (BSF) personnel were injured Monday in a suspected militant attack on their vehicle in the Pantha Chowk area on the outskirts of Srinagar city, police said. Gunmen opened fire on the BSF patrol vehicle at the Pantha Chowk around 6:15 PM, resulting in injuries to five jawans, a BSF official said. […]

 KV Network

BSF vehicle fired at in Pantha Chowk, 3 injured

BSF vehicle fired at in Pantha Chowk, 3 injured

Srinagar: Suspected militants Monday fired upon a BSF vehicle near Panth Chowk. In the attack, 3 BSF troopers have been injured. Area, as per the reports, has been cordoned off and search to nab the attacker has been launched. Meanwhile, GNS adds:  All the injured have been referred to nearby hospital for treatment. SSP Srinagar […]

 KV Network

Government denies media report

JAMMU: The State Government has denied a report that appeared in a Jammu based daily in connection with an interview given by the Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, Satya Pal Malik, to a leading Delhi-based news channel yesterday. In a statement issued today, an official spokesperson clarified that the Governor during his interview with the […]

 KV Network

Recruitment process transparent, governor quoted out of context- JK Bank Chairman

Recruitment process transparent, governor quoted out of context- JK Bank Chairman

Srinagar: J&K Bank has maintained absolute transparency and fairness in the recruitment process. There is no scope of any tinkering in the merit list prepared by the reputed national level professional recruitment agency, the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). The bank is open to public scrutiny on this. This was stated by the J&K […]

 KV Network

Rly plans aircraft-like pressurised coaches for world’s highest railway track in Leh

Rly plans aircraft-like pressurised coaches for world’s highest railway track in Leh

New Delhi, Oct 28 (PTI) The Railways plans to use aircraft-like pressurised coaches in its trains for the Bilaspur-Manali-Leh line along the India-China border, which will be the world’s highest rail track, so that passengers do not have breathing difficulties on board. Aircraft cabins are pressurised because the air is very thin at the altitude […]

 KV Network

Four highly-trained snipers active in Kashmir: Security officials

Four highly-trained snipers active in Kashmir: Security officials

Srinagar: Sniper attack by Jaish-e-Mohammed militants has emerged as a new source of worry for security agencies in Kashmir Valley with three personnel having been killed since mid-September, prompting the law enforcement agencies to re-calibrate their strategy to thwart such strikes by the Pakistan-based group, officials said. The first such attack took place at Newa […]

 KV Network

FMPHW suspends strike for two months

FMPHW suspends strike for two months

Jammu: The Female Multipurpose Health Workers (FMPHW) in Jammu and Kashmir Sunday announced suspension of its 62-day protest strike, claiming that the governor administration has assured them that their demands would be addressed within two months. “We have decided to suspend the ongoing strike for two months on the assurance of K Vijay Kumar, advisor […]

 KV Network

PDP worker shot at in Srinagar outskirts

PDP worker shot at in Srinagar outskirts

Srinagar: A PDP worker was injured critically after attacked by unknown gunmen at Gangbok area of Tengpora in outskirts of Srinagar on Sunday evening. Official sources said that the gunmen fired upon the PDP worker Identified as Mohammad Amin Bhat at Gangbok. Bhat received serious bullet wound and was taken to JVC hospital for treatment. […]