National & International

 Press Trust of India

Share data of water inflow, discharge at Kishanganga dam: Pakistan asks India

Share data of water inflow, discharge at Kishanganga dam: Pakistan asks India

Lahore: Pakistan has asked India to immediately share the data showing inflow and discharge of water at the Kishanganga dam in Jammu and Kashmir and sought a date for its inspection, according to a media report. During the 115th meeting of the Permanent Commi ssion for Indus Waters, India had agreed to allow Pakistan to […]

 Press Trust of India

Pak anti-graft body arrests Shahbaz Sharif

Lahore: Pakistan’s Opposition leader Shahbaz Sharif was on Friday arrested by the country’s anti-graft body for his alleged involvement in two corruption cases, a senior official said. Shahbaz, 67, is the younger brother of ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif. “Shahbaz Sharif on Friday appeared before an investigation team of the National Accountability Bureau Lahore. He […]

 Press Trust of India

UN criticizes India’s deportation of Rohingyas to Myanmar

GENEVA: The UN slammed Friday India’s deportation of seven Rohingya men to Myanmar despite warnings they could face persecution in a country where the military is accused of genocide against the Muslim minority. The UN refugee agency said it was “greatly concerned” for the safety and security of the seven men who were returned to […]

 Press Trust of India

Thrashing of Kashmiri student at Gr Noida

Thrashing of Kashmiri student at Gr Noida

Police books over 350 Indians, Afghan students

Noida (UP): A Kashmiri student was beaten up after a fight broke out between groups of Indian and Afghanistan students at a private university in Greater Noida Thursday, prompting the police to book over 350 students for rioting and related offences, officials said. The scuffle follows another incident which was reported on Monday after a […]

 Press Trust of India

Man booked for announcing triple talaq to wife

Man booked for announcing triple talaq to wife

Bahraich: Police have registered a case here against a man for allegedly giving triple talaq to his wife over phone over the dowry issue. The man currently lives in Saudi Arabia, police said Thursday. “Chandbabu pronounced triple talaq (divorce) thrice to his wife Noori, 20, over phone on September 10 when her family members did […]

 Press Trust of India

Convictions against Sharifs in Avenfield verdict not sustainable: Pak court

Islamabad: A Pakistani top court has observed that the sentences of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, his daughter and son-in-law in a corruption case “may not be ultimately sustainable” as it issued a detailed judgement on Wednesday, two weeks after freeing the trio on bail. On September 19, a two-judge bench of the Islamabad High […]

 KV Correspondent

Pak population growing at 2.4 per cent annually

Country set to become fourth most populous nation in world by 2030

Islamabad: The latest problem worrying authorities in Pakistan is population explosion. A report in Pakistan-based Dawn News has said that the country would become the fourth most populous nation in the world by 2030. Currently ranked as sixth most populous nation in the world, Pakistan may move two ranks higher if the population continues to […]

 KV News

Pak cuts CPEC investment in railways, cites huge burden of loans

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has slashed the Chinese investment in railways by USD 2 billion citing a huge burden of loans, giving credence to reports that the new government led by Prime Minister Imran Khan may scrutinise the multi-billion dollar CPEC, a media report said Tuesday. Railways Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad said that the share of the […]

 KV News

Pak CJ warns Musharraf  

Islamabad: Irked by former President Pervez Musharraf’s failure to come back to Pakistan and face ongoing cases against him, Chief Justice Saqib Nisar on Tuesday warned that if the “courageous commando” does not appear soon, he may be forced to return in a disgraceful manner. Chief Justice Nisar made the remarks when Musharraf’s lawyer told […]

 KV Correspondent

Kashmir, situation on LoC pose threat to peace: Pak tells SC President

  United Nations: Pakistan has raised the Kashmir issue with UN Security Council President, saying the situation in the valley and the “escalation” of tension along the Line of Control pose a threat to international peace and security. Pakistan’s envoy to the UN Maleeha Lodhi yesterday in a tweet said that she raised the issue […]