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Young People’s Fear of Failure

Young People’s Fear of Failure
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By: Dr. Reyaz Ahmad

Recent years have seen a rise in the fear of failure among the younger generation. It refers to the great fear of failure and the desire to avoid it, which frequently causes people to limit their actions and take fewer risks. The purpose of this article is to examine the causes of this phobia, how it affects young people’s lives, the hazards it poses, and offer insights from pertinent research studies.

  1. Definition

Fear of failure is an emotional reaction brought on by the possibility of falling short of expectations or encountering unfavorable results. It is characterized by ongoing anxiety and avoidance behaviors, which are frequently brought on by societal pressure, high expectations, and a society that places a premium on success.

  1. Reasons

The youthful generation’s growing dread of failure is a result of a number of things. The growing pressure to achieve academically, professionally, and socially is a major contributing factor. Parents, classmates, and society as a whole place increasing pressure on young people to succeed academically, land important jobs, and lead active social lives. Chronic anxiety and self-doubt might result from the dread of failing to live up to these expectations.

Additionally, the emergence of social media has made the dread of failure worse. Online platforms frequently display carefully selected pictures of achievement and success, distorting people’s perceptions of the real world. Making comparisons to others’ highlight reels can make people feel more inadequate and exacerbate their anxiety of falling short.

  1. Impacts

Young people’s life can be significantly impacted by the dread of failure. It frequently hinders personal development, stifles creativity, and keeps people from pursuing their passions. Young people risk being stuck in their comfort zones, avoiding challenges, and skipping out on important educational opportunities. Additionally, this dread may result in low self-esteem, a sense of unworthiness, and mental health problems including anxiety and depression.

Additionally, employment opportunities may be hampered by a fear of failure. The overwhelming dread of making mistakes might prevent young people from taking chances, pursuing novel ideas, or grasping fresh possibilities. Their ability to advance professionally and realize their full potential may be hindered by this.

  1. The risks entailed

Risks associated with the fear of failure are numerous for the younger generation. First off, it could encourage a pessimistic attitude that spreads the notion that failure is intrinsically undesirable and therefore to be avoided at all costs. Resilience, adaptability, and the capacity to overcome setbacks can all be hampered by this thinking.

Second, a self-destructive loop might result from the dread of failure. The dread of making mistakes can immobilize young people to the point that they refuse to do anything. This avoidance pattern might impede one’s ability to advance personally and professionally because success frequently necessitates taking calculated risks and viewing setbacks as teaching experiences.

The last factor that might lead to an unfulfilled existence is the fear of failure. Young people may miss out by settling for mediocrity and avoiding difficulties.

  1. Information from Research

The incidence and effects of young people’s failure fear have been studied in research investigations. Numerous research has discovered a strong link between young people’s anxiety and depressive symptoms and their fear of failing. Furthermore, studies show a link between high levels of fear of failure and poorer academic achievement, lowered professional ambitions and diminished entrepreneurial purpose.

According to one study by Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, young people who believe intelligence is fixed and permanent are more inclined to fear failure. On the other hand, people who think intellect can be increased via work and education frequently see failure as a chance for improvement.

The youthful generation has a widespread problem with the fear of failure, which affects their personal, academic, and professional lives. To promote a healthier mindset and assist young people in overcoming their fear of failure, society must acknowledge and address this issue. Young people may overcome obstacles with confidence and resilience by promoting a growth attitude, stressing the value of learning from mistakes, and applauding tenacity and resilience.

The development of a supportive atmosphere that encourages taking risks and growing also requires the assistance of parents, teachers, and mentors. They can encourage young people to embrace failure as an opportunity for growth and personal development by establishing reasonable expectations, offering helpful criticism, and highlighting the importance of effort and resilience.

Young people must also be made aware of the often-curated nature of social media and the irrational norms it may impose. Some of the pressure and worry associated with failure can be reduced by teaching children to interact critically with social media information and concentrate on their unique journey rather than comparing themselves to others.

Finally, overcoming the fear of failure among the younger generation calls for a team effort. We can enable young people to overcome their concerns, take calculated chances, and enthusiastically pursue their passions by establishing a supportive and growth-oriented environment, encouraging resilience, and reframing what failure is.

(The author is a faculty member at Faculty of Mathematics, Department of General Education SUC, Sharjah, UAE)

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