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Only comprehensive reform can enable UNSC to effectively manage global conflicts: India

Only comprehensive reform can enable UNSC to effectively manage global conflicts: India
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United Nations, Jun 26 (PTI) India has asserted that as the United Nations turns 80 next year, it is “high time” to reform the Security Council by expanding its permanent and non-permanent categories to enable it to manage today’s global conflicts effectively.

Delivering India’s statement at the UN General Assembly debate on the Annual Report of the UN Security Council, Pratik Mathur, Minister in India’s Permanent Mission to the UN, said that since performance assessment has become one of the focus areas at the United Nations as part of the discussions on global governance reforms, the Security Council, too, needs to prove its credibility and improve its performance.

“Speaking today in 2024, a year before the United Nations turns 80, it is thus high time to bring the Council in line with its Charter responsibilities to act on behalf of the entire membership,” Mathur said on Tuesday.

Mathur said this will not be achieved without enhancing the Council’s membership in both permanent and non-permanent categories.

Mathur underlined that India remains convinced that the only remedy is a comprehensive reform of the Security Council involving expansion in its permanent and non-permanent categories.

“Only this can enable the Council to manage effectively today’s conflicts around the globe, as well as the increasingly complex and interconnected global challenges the world faces today,” he said.

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