Press Trust of India

Amarnath Yatra: 1300 soldiers trained in disaster management techniques

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Srinagar: Preparations are underway to ensure the safety and security of devotees embarking on the revered Amarnath Yatra in 2024, with a particular focus on disaster management and rescue operations. The Mountaineering Rescue Team of Jammu and Kashmir is actively engaged in training activities in the Nad area of Samba to facilitate the smooth passage of pilgrims through the challenging terrain.

Anticipated to commence at the end of June and span over two months, the Amarnath Yatra draws millions of devotees from across the country to seek the blessings of Baba Barfani. Given the rugged and inaccessible terrain, the authorities are vigilant to prevent accidents and address any emergencies that may arise during the pilgrimage.

Comprising 1300 trained soldiers, the Mountaineering Rescue Team is well-equipped to mitigate the challenges encountered by pilgrims along the route. Rigorous training programs are conducted to hone the skills of team members, many of whom have previously undertaken life-saving missions during past yatras.

Presently, personnel from various security forces, including police, NDRF, and paramilitary units, are undergoing specialized training in the hilly areas of Nad, Samba. Notably, 260 soldiers and officers, spanning seven batches, have already completed their training, with additional batches currently undergoing rigorous instruction.

The training regimen encompasses a wide array of skills essential for disaster management, including rescue operations in the event of landslides, floods, fires, and road accidents. Personnel are trained in rope bridge construction, safe extraction of injured individuals from hazardous locations, and other life-saving techniques tailored to the challenging terrain of Jammu and Kashmir.

While adverse weather conditions, particularly snowfall along the Pahalgam and Baltal routes, may temporarily impede progress, security forces remain on standby at entry points to both routes. As snow melts and conditions improve, efforts to enhance travel infrastructure and logistical arrangements will accelerate to ensure a seamless pilgrimage experience for devotees.

The formation of the Mountaineering Rescue Team in 2009 marked a significant milestone in disaster preparedness for the Amarnath Yatra. Over the years, the team has continually refined its capabilities, with approximately five thousand soldiers receiving specialized training. Their dedicated efforts have saved numerous lives during emergencies. (KNO)

Press Trust of India

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