Eidul Azha strengthens our belief in God
Mushtaq Hurra
Distribution of mutton and beef steaks on Eidul Azha acquaints us with the unprecedentedly glorious tradition of apportionment, oblation, absolute submission to the will of God, obedience, the value of uterine relationships, rights of paupers, destitute and poor.
Young boys carrying these meat pieces in beautifully designed hampers, visiting neighbours and relatives, fills the environs with the aroma of brotherhood, mutual love, sincerity, selflessness and Tawhid ( Oneness of Allah ) – Allahu-Akbar. The annual commemoration of the noble sunnati Ibraheem (AS) is one of the revered and prominent festivals of the Muslim world.
Syedna Ibraheem (AS) and his son Syedna Isma-eel (AS) set an immortal and glaring example of sacrifice which has no parallel in the entire human history. The extraordinarily rare gesture of extensive loyalty and devotion is a beacon of light for whole humanity in general and Muslims in particular, till the day of resurrection.
The act pleased Allah SWT to the extent that HE (SWT) bestowed divine elevation and proximity to the father-son duo of Ibraheem and Isma-eel (AS), and made it mandatory and obligatory for Muslims to memorialize the exemplary audacity and courage displayed by the father-son dou of prophets.
The day is marked as Eidul Azha in the Islamic world. Had paternal affection restricted the hands of prophet Ibraheem (AS), the world would have been deprived of the grand festivity of Eidul Azha. Though we rejoice, relish and celebrate a lot on the auspicious day, but it is something beyond the fervour, gaiety and enthusiasm. I mean, the philosophy behind the noble ritual is splendiferous and something above blood and meat. Allah SWT has categorically made it clear in the holy Quran. “It is neither your flesh nor blood that pleases Allah. It is your piety that pleases Allah SWT. “( Surah Hajj ).
Though Eidul Azha teaches us number of lessons, morals and ethics; but the crux of it is” Tawakull Alallah” (Trust in Allah). It strengthens and reinforces our faith, and refreshes our bond with Allah SWT. As we have solemnly vowed to affirm our faith in the doctrine of predestination – All good and bad comes from Allah SWT. (Wal-Qadri Khairi Hee Wa Sharri Hee Minal-Lahi Ta-Aala ).
Syedna Ibraheem (AS) and his son Syedna Isma-eel (AS) practicalized the belief. They put their souls in their palms, and proffered before their Lord. Allah SWT very often sets his dear slaves to difficult trials, in order to assess and rejuvenate their faiths ( Eemaan ). The extraordinary determination exhibited by the father-son dou of Ibraheem and Isma-eel (AS), is quite ineffable. Firstling of a father that too at the age of 86, must be dear to him more than his own life. But, slaughtering the same son at the command of Allah SWT, is really remarkable and phenomenal.
Faith (Eemaan) is the preliminary prerequisite to enter the enclave of Islam. Charity, ibaadah and virtuousness is subject to our faith in Allah SWT. Hypocrites (Munafiqeen ) stand parallel to moomineen in their queues, but their faith is not uncontrived. Scores of non-Muslims carry out prodigious and substantial philanthropic and charitable deeds, but their motive behind all this is mere bragging and boasting.
Strong faith consolidates ones trust in Allah, and absolute trust in Allah is the key to win HIS pleasures and privileges. Steadfastness and perseverance are the pillars of faith. And your true faith in one Allah liberates you from the yokes of slavery of numerous idols. Wealth, money, big houses, acquisition of land and property have become our virtual Gods whom we worship day in and day out.
Contemporary Muslims are caught up in chaos, confusion, stress, anxiety and lust of material pursuits. Unlike their ancestors, present-day Muslims believe in sources, not in the Creator. Syedna Ibraheem (AS) had absolute trust in Allah SWT. His feet didn’t wobble, his hands didn’t tremble and his faith didn’t shake because his trust (Tawakull ) in Allah SWT was solid and sheer. It was his trust and reliance on Allah SWT which ran his knife on the throat of Isma-eel (AS).
And Allah SWT didn’t breach his trust rather rewarded him with infinite bounties, blessings, favours and prizes. Our pyres will turn into beds of roses, if we have that iron willed determination and absolute trust in Allah SWT, like Ibraheem (AS) had. Tawakull Alallah is the potion for our rusty hearts, it is the remedy for our troubles, and it is the antidote for our bitten souls. Tawakull Alallah will remove our timid and coward traits with valour, bravery and fearlessness.
Tawakull Alallah is the secret of happy life. Those who trust in Allah SWT for every good and bad, don’t blame themselves or others for any misfortune or misadventure, rather they attribute to their destinies and fates. This maxim helps to reduce grief, sorrow and pains. It removes our susceptibility to fell prey to guilt trip.
In nutshell, faith works wonders. Even most of the psychiatrists of the world advise their patients to stick to their religious preachings and teachings in order to get rid of stress and strain. This is the only way to attain salvation here and hereafter. If unwavering faith of Ibraheem is born again, Conflagration is sure to produce blooms. (Ho Agar Aaj Bhee Ibraheem Ka Eemaan Paida, Aag Karsakti Hai Andaazi Gulistaan Paida…)
(The author is a Teacher and a Columnist. He writes for various newspapers)