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Living a happy post retirement life

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Rayees Ahmad Kumar

Retirement can mean many things for people. Some look forward to the free time in hand. Some worry how they will manage to meet ends. Others wonder how they will pass their time. If planned properly, retirement can be a great phase in a person’s life.

You have worked hard all your life. It is time to enjoy the rewards during retirement. Be ready to do what you love. You have time for learning that you always wanted or spend time to volunteer for a cause close to your heart. You can do all that now.

Do not spend all the time idling. Fill your time with hobbies and doing things that interest you. Meet like minded people. Make sure you keep yourself physically and mentally fit.

Even if you are retired, it is good to have a schedule. It will help you look forward to something. The schedule can involve work and leisure activities. You should maintain a positive frame of mind and not get bogged down by thoughts that destroy your self-image.

You can make a daily routine and stick to it so that you do not waste away your time. It need not account for every minute of the day but be such that you have some activities to fill your day. If you have a kind of schedule, there are lesser chances of getting bored or depressed.

You should stick to your budget as well. Keep a track of your income and expenses. Review your financial plan once in a while. You should educate yourself in financial aspects and investment aspects. You may not have had time to educate yourself about finances when you were young. Retirement is a good time to learn and implement what you have learned after discussing with a person of expertise.

If you are healthy and have an inclination to keep yourself busy, you can take up a job. It can be a consulting role or a part-time job. You can tutor children if you are interested. If you are from the field of finance, you can take up auditing and taxation related assignments. It will add to your income and keep you active. But no need to take unnecessary pressure if you are financially sound.

Retirement is a great time to enrich your life. You can travel to different places and understand more about the country and the world. If you are fit, you can try out new experiences. You can start reading and get various perspectives on life. It will improve your vocabulary and keep your mind fresh.

If you have grandchildren, spend time with them. You can otherwise spend some time with younger people around. It will give you a fresh perspective on life. You can learn a lot of things about today’s world.

You can reduce bad habits like smoking and follow good practices such as daily exercise, follow current affairs for time pass etc.

Retirement of a person can prove a blessing instead a cause of discontentment if given a good and positive direction. Studying good books, aspiring to enrich through knowledge and engaging yourself in social activities can definitely enhance your role and respect in the society.

Instead of engaging in good activities if you indulge in unnecessary activities and discussions with irrational people, you are more likely to lose respect and would be regarded as a burden both in home and society.

Then the famous Kashmir proverb “SHEATT GOW TI BREATT GOW” often fits to such minds. Taking care of household/ home management and enquiring the wellbeing of your nears and dears especially your immediate relatives can relieve you from depression as well as you are doing a great social service.

Spending time for prayers, remembrance of almighty Allah and planning for the last Islamic fundamental “Haj” along with your spouse can further relieve you from the anxiety and will give you an everlasting peace, serenity and sojourn.

A healthy mind, fit body and a proper retirement plan will help you look forward to a happy retirement phase. You can be in charge of your retired life and add value to it instead of just allowing life to drift by.

(The author is a columnist and teaches at Govt Boys Secondary school Anderwan Ganderbal)


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