This e-PG Pathshala module helps you in serving best Indian food
Do you wish to serve best Indian food to your father and mother and you actually don’t know how to sample the best Indian cuisine? A module published by e-PG Pathshala has an apt solution to your problem.
The module, written by a Kashmiri research scholar, Nayeem Showkat from the Department of Mass Communication, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), with the help of few interesting examples has tried to make the students understand the concept of “Content Analysis” in Communication Research.
The writer has gone an extra mile to make the module interesting and emotional by writing an example which intends to search the best Indian food for the parents through the help of content analysis. Here is the example: “Congratulations, you got the first salary of your life.
On this great occasion, now you wish to serve best Indian food to your mother and father but you don’t know how to sample the best Indian cuisine. Problem.
You ask your friends but they have a range of suggestions. One of your friends solves the puzzle by informing that in the year 2015, XYZ newspaper has published some 20 articles on Tuesdays only rating different famous Indian foods served in Delhi. Happy? No, there is another small problem. You can’t just go and pick one issue of the aforementioned newspaper and get to know the best food. You have to do a lot of homework for your parents whom you owe all this.
Visualising the hardships endured by your parents to bring you up, you made your mind to go for it, whatever may be the condition. You were still picturing the past, another problem suddenly came to your mind; there were 52 Tuesdays in 2015 and the articles published were only 20. So, how to solve the puzzle of this best food? Simply, you need to go to the library and collect all the issues of XYZ newspaper published in 2015. After that, you will select all the issues published on Tuesdays. In total, you have to collect 52 issues of the newspaper.
You are choosing your sample. You need to skim all the 52 issues so that you could identify those 20 issues containing stories on best ratings. Here you are choosing your content. Once, all the 20 issues are identified, you have to select the stories about Indian dishes. Rating is a coding scheme. Read the stories thoroughly and note the ratings.
You need to compare the ratings to find an answer to your problem. Conclusion. So, through the help of this content analysis, you can serve your parents best Indian cuisine now.”
The module has been developed as part of the content creation for the paper of Communication Research of the Communication Studies subject for e-PG Pathshala (Development of e-content for PG students by University Grants Commission under Govt of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development’s National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) project.

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