Migrant employees ‘enjoy’ salaries without attending duties
It seems that the Jammu and Kashmir government has separate unwritten civil service rules for Pandit migrant employees who are paid salaries and are not being made answerable for performing official work.
Sources within the social welfare department Kashmir told ‘Kashmir Vision’ that after the killing of militant commander Burhan Muzaffar Wani in July of 2016 many employees working on migrant quota have left the Valley for Jammu and since then have not resumed their duties.
“Around 12 employees working on the migrant quota left for Jammu,” said an employee wishing anonymity, adding that three have resumed their duties back but nine are yet to join their duties.
The employee said that there is a dearth of staff in the department and the absence of migrant employees without leave has furthered aggravated the situation.
“The higher authorities are discriminating with us,” the employee said, adding that department has put us on tenterhooks and are asking us to share additional work load.
The employees further said that government is saying that law and order situation has improved. If what they are saying is true then these migrant employees have no justification to remain absent from their duties.
The sources said when their concerned drawing and disbursing officers sent them notices to resume their duties and stopped their salaries they were instructed by higher authorities to release their salaries immediately.
When Deputy Commissioner Pulwama, G M Dar was contacted in this matter he said that they can’t go against policy of the government.
“Owing to law and order situation in the Valley they can’t be pressurized to resume their duties,” he said.
The social welfare department runs a number of welfare schemes including Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme, Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme, Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme and National Family Benefit Scheme under National Social Assistance Programme.
Notably, the dearth of staff has hit the schemes as there are thousands of applications lying pending with the department.

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