New Delhi digging grave of its interests in JK: Er Rasheed
Hours after the military court suspended the imprisonment of Army men involved in Machil fake encounter, Awami Iteehad Party (AIP) president and MLA Langate, Engineer Abdul Rashed said that the judgment has shaken yet again the faith of Kashmiris on Indian Institutions.
Er Rasheed in a statement issued here condemned the military court’s judgment to suspend imprisonment of Army men including Colonel Dinesh Pathania and others involved in murdering three youth from Rafiabad in a fake encounter at Machil.
While interacting with various deputations in Langate, Er Rasheed said, “Machil fake encounter was such a shameful act that needed no proof to be investigated, but the decision of the military court has proved that killing Kashmiris, blinding them, carrying fake encounters and abusing them has become the epicenter of India’s patriotism.”
“The huge atrocities on Kashmiris by Army and other security agencies in every nook and corner of J&K could not reach the world community for the reason that New Delhi ensured that nothing flows to outside world since 1989, as such incidents like Pathribal and Machil fake encounters are just a tip of an iceberg that Kashmiris have faced since 1989,” he added.
MLA Langate further added that it was the mass hue and cry against Machil encounter that had forced central government to initiate some action and now when the Army tribunal has suspended the decision, it is proven beyond doubt that these court martial’s and other internal enquiries are nothing but an eyewash and an attempt to mislead the world community.
He said that if Afzal Guru and Maqbool Bhat could be hanged just to demoralize Kashmiris, Col. Pathania had committed a crime in broad day light and he and his colleagues deserved punishment not less than death penalty.
“New Delhi is digging grave of its interests in J&K and world community must realize that Indian army has committed worst atrocities on Kashmiris and New Delhi has never ever treated Kashmiris like human beings,” he said, adding that such decisions have strengthened the conviction and argument of those Kashmiris who believe that any chances of reconciliation between New Delhi and Kashmiris are getting further bleak day by day.

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