15 Days Long Wushu Summer Camp Concluded at Jammu
On the concluding ceremony of 15 Days Long Wushu Summer Camp, Ranjeet Kalra (Vice Chairman of the District Jammu Sports Council was the Chief Guest, while as Kuldeep Handoo (National Chief Coach of ndia) and Dr. Vikram Handa was the Guest of Honour on the occasion. The coaching to the trainees was imparted by Ajay Paul Gill and Rohit thakyal.
On the occasion, Ranjeet Kalra congratulated the Wushu Association of J&K headed by Vijay Saraf as president and Vice president of Wushu Association of India for popularizing this combat sports in the state and not only popularizing but getting the medals at World and Asian Championships.
Kuldeep Handoo also apprised him that there were 07 campers in the National Wushu coaching camp at SAI Shilaroo for the preparation of the 14th World Wushu championship at Russia. Out of 7 campers 02 Players namely Surya Bhanu Partap and Rajinder Singh of the state have been selected for the 1 month foreign exposure training at China from 1st august 2017 along with the National Chief Coach of India Kuldeep Handoo.
In the Junior Division Jasbir Singh has been selected for the Junior National Wushu coaching camp which is in progress at SAI Bhopal till 15th September. The junior team is preparing for the 9th Junior Asian Wushu championship to be held at Korea from 15th September to 21st October.
The parents of the players requested Ranjeet Kalra to provide proper equipments to the Wushu Sports along with proper maintenance of the Wushu hall at newly constructed Indoor at Jammu. At present the situation of the Hall is not conducive for the training. He assured that he will take up the matter with Honble Chief Minister, Honble Sports Minister and Secretary J&K State Sports Council for the early redressal. He also assured that he will request the Honble CM, Sports Minister and Secretary J&K State sports Council for opening of the State Academy on the lines of Cricket and Football.

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