Poor communication root cause of rising medical conflicts: DAK
Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) today said that poor communication was the root cause of rising incidents of conflicts between doctors and patients or their attendants.
President DAK Dr Nisar ul Hassan in a statement said that poor communication is the main reason for increase in the incidences of medical conflicts.
“Most complaints about doctors are related to issues of communication, not clinical competency,” he said.
“When physicians do not communicate caring concerns, patients and their family members express their anger and frustration. Lack of proper communication is responsible for patient dissatisfaction, nonadherence to treatment and poor patient outcomes,” the DAK President said.
He said that failure to take into account patients’ concerns and expectations, lack of warmth and friendliness on part of doctors leave patients in despair.
“There are reported observations of doctors avoiding discussion on emotional and social impact of patients’ problems which adversely affects their recovery. No matter how competent a clinician might be, if he or she is not able to communicate properly with the patient, he/she may be of no help,” the DAK Presdient warned.
Studies have shown that good practices like detailed explanation by clinicians, empathy along with enduring, listening to patients or their families decrease the incidences of medical conflicts.
“Good communication skills are integral to the development of trustworthy doctor-patient relationship which is prerequisite for therapeutic success.Effective communication is the heart and art of medicine and a central component in the delivery of health care,” he said.
“There is a dire need for introduction of communication skills in medical curriculum and training of practicing doctors in the form of continuing medical education (CME) programs,” the DAK president suggested.

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