Chief Secretary chairs meeting of the Committee of Secretaries
Chief Secretary, B B Vyas Thursday underlined the importance of submitting utilization certificates (UCs) on time to pave way for speedy and effective implementation of various Centrally Sponsored Schemes.
Chairing the meeting of the Committee of Secretaries (CoS), here, Chief Secretary urged Administrative Secretaries to ensure that project-wise UCs are submitted and bottlenecks if any in the utilisation of funds removed immediately.
Chief Secretary observed that the Finance and Planning Departments released 50% funds of the revenue and Capex budget in the month of February, 2017, authorizing expenditure to be made from 1st April, 2017, to enable the departments to take advantage of the early release and ensure early tendering and execution of work on ground.
While reviewing the status of expenditure on the developmental front, Chief Secretary asked the Administrative Secretaries to submit expenditure statement as on 30th June, 2017, within a week.
Observing that Mr Pradeep Singh has recently joined as Advisor, Infrastructure Development to the Government of Jammu and Kashmir, Chief Secretary urged the Administrative Secretaries to make best use of his experience and knowledge by seeking his advice/guidance on Infrastructure Development and flagship projects/schemes.
Chief Secretary also reviewed the status of various works, as part of the Chief Minister’s commitments and asked the Administrative Secretaries to ensure that directions given by the Chief Minister during her tours are followed and action taken report submitted to the Planning Development & Monitoring Department on an urgent basis.
Chief Secretary also shared with the Administrative Secretaries issues raised in the meeting chaired by the Prime Minister at New Delhi on July 10, 2017, as part of the National Conference of Chief Secretaries on the theme of “States as Drivers for Transforming India” including those related to studying Punjab Model for Ease of doing Business, Chandigarh Model for DBT linked Ration Card Holder and Goa/Delhi Model for Solid Waste Management, so that same could be replicated in the state among the best practices, replacement of existing street lights by LED, promoting Solar Power, ensuring regular up-dation of District Gazetteers by DCs and use of GeM Potal for procurement Government products and Services.
For enhanced transparency, in procurement, Chief Secretary urged the Administrative Secretaries to study the document of the Central Government regarding a one stop Government eMarketplace (GeM), for online procurement of common use Goods & Services required by various Government Departments/Organizations/ PSUs.
Chief Secretary asked the Administrative Secretaries to undertake regular field visits to review the implementation and assess the impact of various welfare programmes/schemes, development and reform initiatives at the ground level. He requested the Administrative Secretaries to ensure punctuality of staff in their offices and subordinate offices, for prompt public service delivery. To ensure that the employees mark their attendance through Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS), it was agreed that the concerned DDO will be the Nodal Officer to monitor attendance based upon which the salary of the employees for the month of August, 2017 will be released.
Chief Secretary also reviewed the status of disposal of public grievances, settlement of SRO 43-cases, cases relating to adhoc/consolidated/ contractual employees, abolition of interviews for junior level posts, abolition of affidavits, disposal of pending departmental enquires, Aadhaar Based Bio-Metric & Skill Profiling of Casual and other Workers, up-dation of departmental websites, web based file tracking system and pending court cases.

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