RNI to designate PIB offices as Nodal Agencies for circulation verification
The Union Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (MIB) has decided to designate the Press Information Bureau (PIB) offices in the states as the nodal offices of Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI) for verification of circulation of the newspapers and periodicals, empanelled with DAVP for release of Government advertisements, in the respective states.
As per the decision, the job of circulation verification will be entrusted to PIB officers posted throughout India who have been designated as Additional/Deputy/Assistant Press Registrar, depending on their level, to perform circulation verification and such functions as may be assigned to them under Section 19(A) of the Press and Registration of Books (PRB) Act, 1867.
The current audit of empanelled newspapers and magazines is carried out in two ways. While the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) takes care of publications with a claimed circulation of over 45,000 copies, the ones below that figure require an audit from an chartered accountant which is followed by RNI certification.
Pertinently, the Registrar of Newspapers in India (RNI) has also modified the checklist to be submitted along with the request for circulation verification by the empanelled publications.
According to a Circular issued by RNI in this regard, the documents to be submitted for circulation verification of the publication include copy of annual statement submitted to RNI, copy of bank account statements reflecting sale receipts and payments for 2 months, copy of newsprint purchase bills for 2 months, month-wise newsprint purchase and consumption statement, copies of print orders along with Machine Room Returns for the preceding one month, printing machine details with printing schedule for the check period, Copy of Agent supply register for one month, statement giving Wastage Rate and Commission rate to agencies, copy of month-wise sale proceeds for the check year, in case the printing press is not owned by the publisher, then a copy of the Agreement between the owner of the publishing house and the Printer to be given, balance sheet of the company, if the newspaper is owned by the company, electricity bills of the Company including the Printing Press for the preceding two months and the photocopy of PAN Card of publication/owner.

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