We will never beg for talks, says Geelani
Toughening its stand, senior separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani Monday said that the separatist leadership will not bow down and beg for talks with the Union government.
“Indian leadership despite utilizing military might during last seven decades, couldn’t alter the discourse of Kashmir issue and its continuous denial has not caused any harm to its significance,” said Syed Ali Geelani in a statement issued here.
Geelani said that this least effected legitimacies about Kashmir tangle. “We will never beg for talks. However, PDP is strained and feels no shame as they are desperate to save their face,” said Geelani.
Geelani out rightly rejected bilateral talks, saying dialogues either between India and Pakistan or Delhi and Srinagar are futile exercises unless issue is resolved through UN resolutions. India needs to shun state sponsored violence and uphold international law, respect and adhere UN resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir,” Geelani added.
He reiterated that UN resolutions form basics and guarantee the peaceful and amicable solution to the Kashmir issue.
“International community stands guarantee for eighteen resolutions, endorsed in UNO and India is a signatory to these resolutions,” Geelani said.
Commenting over continuous denial by Delhi, Geelani said their ‘colonial’ and ‘despotic’ approach won’t change the historical realities about Kashmir issue.
“Occupation never lasts long and Indai may continue forced occupation but it is a temporary phase and has to go,” he said.
Syed Ali Geelani also ridiculed the statements of BJP leaders Ram Madhav and Amit Shah.
“They through their frivolous and furious speeches on one hand subdue their followers and irritate their allies in PDP, however we are not scared of these threat statements. These gimmicks instead infuse a fresh lease of life in our freedom sentiments,” said Geelani.
Taking dig at PDP leadership, Geelani said that it is pity that for existence and mere political gains, they are begging for dialogue. It was better for them to leave the coalition.

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