AJKSU alleges copying during JKSSB graduate level exams
All Jammu and Kashmir Students Union said that the graduate level exams conducted by Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB), on April, 27 should be cancelled without any further delay.
“There are various reports that suggest mass copying and cheating at a number of examination centers”, said AJKSU Vice President, Junaid Dar.
“It is really pathetic, time and time again, JKSSB has failed, failed miserably to conduct the said exams in a smooth and professional manner,” he further added.
AJKSU, spokesperson lashed out at the authorities for their carelessness and cold approach towards such exams. First, they take years to advertise the posts and decades to process the recruitment. Lack of preparedness from their end is unfortunate, he further added.
Moreover, President AJKSU, Syed Tajamul Imran, has stressed upon JKSSB officials to reconduct the said examination under good surveillance and in presence of JKSSB special observers.
“This will ensure that such type of mass copying will be avoided in future and those aspirants, who sit in such exams with lot of hard work under the belt may not suffer,” he added.

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