
 KV News

Stuck in fight-or-flight mode?

Stuck in fight-or-flight mode?

By: Theresa Larkin, Susan J. Thomas Can you remember a time when you felt stressed leading up to a big life event and then afterwards felt like a weight had been lifted? This process – the ramping up of the stress response and then feeling this settle back down – shows completion of the “stress […]

 KV News

Finding True Contentment

BY: Adnan Shafi In a world filled with the relentless pursuit of happiness and an abundance of materialistic distractions, the concept of true contentment often appears elusive. However, for those who follow the teachings of Islam, the path to genuine satisfaction lies in wholeheartedly obeying Allah and embracing the guidance imparted by Prophet Mohammed (peace […]

 KV News

The Dark Grave

By: Fazil Shafi Bhat My parents were very generous in having children. They successfully had three kids in just five years. I was the youngest, unfortunately. My parents always had different perspectives and behaviours towards their two sons and one daughter. They wanted their eldest son to become an engineer and wished for their daughter […]

 KV News

Iran- Israel conflict: Will global oil supply be at risk

Iran- Israel conflict: Will global oil supply be at risk

By:  Flavio Macau Tensions in the Middle East have escalated following Iran’s weekend missile and drone attacks on Israel, heightening concerns of a wider conflict. As with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, further conflict has the potential to destabilise oil prices and disrupt supply chains. In Australia, already grappling with a cost-of-living crisis, the ripple […]

 KV News

Learning and doing mathematics

By: Dr. Reyaz Ahmad Mathematics is a broad topic that involves more than just applying formulae and solving equations; it also requires a thorough comprehension of concepts and the capacity to use logic to solve issues. For undergraduates to succeed academically and develop personally in the area, it is essential to distinguish between learning and […]

 KV News

Understanding brain Disorder-Aphasia

By: Dr Sachin Kandhari After the incidence of Hollywood actor Bruce Willis being diagnosed with a medical ailment called Aphasia Disorder, and deciding to step away from his acting profession, the disorder has taken the netizens by storm. This is a disorder involving the specific area of the brain’s cognitive functions to diminish, causing partial […]

 KV News

POEM: My bygone beloved, after my death

By: Shahid Ul Islam Tell me: Won’t you search the graveyard, where I will be buried? Then, Won’t you search my tombstone, on which my name will be engraved? Won’t you come to my grave and sit there for a while? Won’t you weep there, with your head down? Won’t you bring a rose and […]

 KV News

No more a shadow war

No more a shadow war

By: Javed Ali For decades, Iran and Israel have been engaged in a “shadow war.” Falling short of direct military confrontation, this conflict has been characterized by war through other means – through proxies, cyber attacks, economic sanctions and fiery rhetoric. Events over the last few weeks in the Middle East have, however, changed the […]

 KV News

Return to nature

By: K S S Pillai With modern technologies turning the entire world into a ‘global village’, many changes have taken place in our lives, particularly in our food habits. Those called local foods have given place to Manchurian, Pizzas, Burgers and Noodles that were available only in some foreign countries till a few years ago. […]

 KV News

Hope for Hemophilia patients

By: Dr. Vikas Dua Hemophilia meaning love (philia) of blood (hemo) has been referred to as the disease of the kings,” as is often described in the descent of Queen Victoria of England. Haemophilia affects 1 in 10000 live births. The disease is of two kinds-Hemophilia A and B. Hemophilia A is more prevalent (80% […]

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