Love to eradicate hatred
By: Mahfooz Ahmad Bakshi
Loving the creatures that surround you isn’t costly. It doesn’t cost even a single penny, so why does hatred, oppression, suppression, cruelty, ruthlessness, and even hatred itself exist? This raises the question in my mind: Why do such negative emotions and behaviors persist?
The sermons about love are often heard but not truly understood. We may engage in hugs, but our hearts don’t truly connect. Our souls fail to find resonance with one another, resulting in a strong sense of repulsion. Many of us recognize the importance of love, who to love, and why to love, the challenge lies in knowing how to truly love. It seems that we often prioritize showcasing dominance in various fields, but when someone attempts to display love with the intention to promote it and positively influence others, they are sometimes labeled as hypocrites, posers, or even ostentatious.
In my perspective, loving people is akin to prayer and investment. When we invest our love in someone, we seek assurance that our investment will not diminish, regardless of the circumstances. Though situations may vary, it is my belief that love yields returns that surpass our initial investment.
A recent conversation with a social media friend of mine compelled me to contemplate the significance of loving the creations of the Creator. Undoubtedly, there exists a Creator who governs and has brought forth everything we perceive, even that which eludes our senses.
As humans, we have a habit of assigning names to everything, so why not assign a name to this Supreme Power? Whether you choose to call it God, Allah, Bhagwan, or any other name, there is no inherent wrongdoing. But personally, I resonate with the name Allah, you can Google it to reveal its literal meaning, providing insight into my preference.
During our conversation, my friend shared profound words: “The Creator made us, and in holy texts, it is said that we are made in the image of God. Yet, people hate themselves or hate others! That means we hate God.” By referencing holy texts, she suggests that if we express hatred towards any creature, whether on Earth or in the universe, we are essentially expressing hatred towards the creation of the Creator. This implies that if we harbor hatred towards anyone, we are, in essence, directing our hatred towards The God.
Expressing hatred towards God, known as “Hating the God,” is actually regarded as a highly contentious statement among religious individuals or those familiar with religious teachings. It’s an extremely toxic sentiment, and individuals who utter such words are usually considered cursed. Consequently, it’s my advice for you to keep a significant distance from such individuals.
It is certain that even atheists, who deny the existence of a higher power, often possess an internal belief in a governing force. However, they choose to dismiss or deny it, leading some to perceive them as being influenced by negative influences or forces. These individuals tend to rely on scientific explanations to support their arguments against the existence of a Creator. Their lack of loyalty to their Creator raises questions about their ability to demonstrate loyalty and genuine love towards others, making them appear hypocritical as they outwardly express love while harboring internal negativity [Hate].
In a nutshell, hating God ultimately means hating oneself, and vice versa. This idea draws a connection between hate and the devil. Despite any admirations one may have for the devil, he will ultimately deceive and destroy those people who follow him and worship him!
Upon contemplation of hate and love, I made a significant discovery that hate itself holds importance. Paradoxically, one must hate the hate, particularly by directing this hatred towards Satan and his worshippers. By doing so, individuals can eliminate the hatred within themselves towards all creatures. Now I’m a hundred percent sure that this may raise a question: if everything, including Satan, is created by God, why express hatred towards Satan? Well, it is crucial to dispel any confusion. Satan was actually a good angel who fell from grace due to a significant mistake, hating the devil does not necessarily mean hating God.
The nature of Satan and the relationship between God and Satan vary based on individual beliefs and interpretations. This topic is complex and falls within the realm of theological exploration. But highly qualified individuals such as priests, molvis or other religious scholars are better equipped to provide comprehensive explanations. I want to tell you that I may have made mistakes in this article due to the intricate nature of the topic.
The primary objective of this article is to emphasize the significance of loving everything that is seen and felt. Love for fellow human beings is viewed as an expression of love for God or the divine. Many religious and philosophical traditions emphasize the importance of love and compassion in leading a fulfilling and spiritually enriched life.
In conclusion, the message that I want to convey is to spread love as a valuable and cheap luxury, as a form of prayer, and as an investment. Love is equated with God, and hating hate itself is proposed as a means to eradicate hatred from the world.
It’s worth reflecting upon these insights.
(The author hails from Ganderbal Kashmir)