KV News

Invasive Alien Species has to be restrained

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Letter to the Editor

By: Dear Editor,

Invasive alien species (IAS) are animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms that have entered and established themselves outside of their natural habitat. IAS have devastating effects on native plant and animal life, causing native species to decline or even extinction and negatively affecting ecosystems.

With increased transportation of goods and travel, the global economy has facilitated the introduction of alien species over long distances and beyond natural boundaries. Global warming which results in Climate change, habitat destruction, and pollution can amplify the negative effects of these species on biodiversity.

As per research IAS have been responsible for nearly 50% of all animal extinctions since the last two centuries where the cause is known. Meanwhile, environmental losses from introduced pests are estimated to exceed US$200 billion per year in, Germany, France, Russia, Australia, Brazil, India, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and United States

IAS is a global problem that necessitates international collaboration and action. Preventing international movement of these species and detecting them quickly at borders is less expensive than control and eradication.

Vijay Kumar H K (Environmentalist), Raichur, Karnataka

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