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JSD invites applications for appointment of Chairperson, Members for J&K-WRRA

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SRINAGAR: The Jal Shakti Department J&K has invited the applications from the eligible candidates for the posts of Chairperson and two members of J&K Water Resources Regulatory Authority (WRRA).

As per a notification issued here, persons who are holding or have held post not below the rank of Principal Secretary to the Government and have adequate knowledge of, or experience in, or have shown capacity in dealing with problems relating to engineering, finance, commerce, economics, law, administration or management are eligible for the Chairperson post.

Besides, persons of ability, integrity and standing who have adequate knowledge of, or experience in, or have shown capacity in dealing with, problems relating to engineering, finance, commerce, economics, law, administration or management are eligible for the post of member.

As per the notification, out of the two vacant posts, one is to be filled with the persons who are holding or have held a post not below the rank of Chief Engineer and having qualification and experience in the field of Hydraulic Engineering.

The terms of office of the Chairperson and other members shall be for a period of three years or attaining the age of 65 whichever is earlier.

“As per laid out terms and conditions, consequent upon the appointment as Chairperson or Member of the Authority, he/she shall not hold any other office during the tenure,” the notice reads.

The Chairperson shall be entitled to the salary and allowances which is equal to the salary and allowances payable to a Principal Secretary to Government or the pay drawn by him when he was in Government service, whichever is higher.

A Member shall be entitled to the salary and allowances which is equal to the salary and allowances payable to a Chief Engineer or the pay last drawn by him when he was in Government service, whichever be higher.

“If the Chairperson or Member at the time of his appointment was in receipt of a pension in respect of any previous service under the Government, his salary as Chairperson or Member, as the case may be, shall be reduced by the amount of that pension,” the notice reads.

The eligible persons possessing the requisite eligibility have been asked to submit their resume in Jal Shakti Department, Civil Secretariat Srinagar/Jammu within a period of 15 days from the date of issuance of notification on the official email i.e. [email protected].

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