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Drug Addition: Ruining Lives

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Zubair Hamid Parray
Our ancients have spoken of five cardinal sins which must be avoided by all means though they may appear to bring profit or pleasure for the time being. They are gambling, stealing, murder, unchastity and drugs. The history of humanity is replete with examples where people have been ruined by following the path of one or other of them. A whole nation was brought to disgrace because of opium.
Why then does man take to drugs? Some think it adds to pleasure, some others think that it takes away physical weariness. Still others take it to forget their worries, while others take it in order to please the company they keep.
In cold countries they take it to keep themselves warm. While in very small doses drugs act as medicines, they can only bring harm in large doses. They have a doping effect and hence at the spur of the moment the person may act more vigorously but only to find himself weaker later. Sustained consumption of them in large quantities will lead to dependency and addiction.
From time immemorial man has known to make drugs. Today, various kinds of addiction like wine, brandy, whisky, morphine heroin, cocaine and opium are prevalent. These drugs affect the nervous system especially the brain which controls the voluntary action. So a man under the influence of a drug is unable to walk properly and he staggers. It deadens the senses so a man under the influence of drugs does not know what he does or speaks. Very often the influence of a drug, he can do shameful acts. Continued addiction upsets the digestive system, especially the liver, leading eventually to death.
The mental faculties will be numbed. In order to forget worries people take drugs but that is not the answer to one’s worry. Drug addiction brings moral degradation. The addict himself knows it and so he consumes them only in secret and no addict openly will come forward to say he is an addict.
It is against all religious sanctions. It leads to immoral and evil activities. Socially also an addict is looked down upon and people would try to avoid a drug addict. He would be a nuisance wherever he is, at home or in company. He would bring untold misery to his people and those around him.
Except in the company of addicts, he would be looked upon as a leper. His family also will share the ignominy because people will point the accusing finger at such a family. Financially it ruins the addict. The money would go down the drains as it were for what could be spent for the betterment of the self or the benefit of the family could easily be wasted on drugs. So considered wisely, one should avoid drugs.
Nowadays, drugs like marijuana, L.S.D., opium and others are being taken by youngsters under false pretences. It is really unfortunate they don’t realize the harmful effect. Certainly the drugs will not and cannot add and bring pleasure. If one thinks in that way it is only an illusion. So it is best to avoid the company of those who have recourse to drugs or peddle them. Remember the physical ruin, mental upset, moral degradation and social and financial breakdown. So for God’s sake one should never be tempted by them.
Signs of Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a compulsive disorder that leads an individual to use substance habitually to achieve desired outcome. Millions of people in the world are suffering with drug addiction and the number is expected to increase in the coming years. If the person is using drugs for a longer period, the outcome may change. For example – early experimentation with drugs is rooted in curiosity. However, as the frequency of substance becomes frequent – the body starts to depend in it to function properly.
The most common signs and symptoms of drug addiction are – obsession with a particular substance, loss of control over the usage of drugs, abandoning the activities which you used to enjoy, etc. Drug addiction may have long term impact on life and one may develop severe symptoms such as – fatigue, trembling, depression, anxiety, headache, insomnia, chills and sweating, paranoia, behavior changes, dilated pupils, poor coordination problems, nausea etc.
Causes of Drug Addiction
There are a number of reasons why youth and teenagers are addicted to drugs or related substances. Lack of self-confidence is considered as one of the primary causes of drug addiction. It can also be due to excessive stress, peer pressure, lack of parental involvement in child’s activities etc. some people consider drug addiction can be the cause of drug use and ignorance. The ignorance of drug addiction along with physical pain of condition becomes a primary cause of drug addiction. Here are some of the causes of drug addiction.
High Level Stress
Young people who have just started their college life or moved to a new city in search of job often face problems with life change. They are more likely to alleviate stress through the use of drugs and similar substances. Finding an easy fix often seems easier than facing the real problem and dealing with it. Trying illegal drugs can lead to addiction and becomes a long term habit.
Social Pressure
Today, we are living in a highly competitive world and it is difficult to grow in such world. There is always a peer pressure in young and old people. However, it is never visible. A lot of young people expect to experience the pressure to use drugs, smoke and drink alcohol. Young people find it difficult to be the person who doesn’t drink or smoke. As they feel isolated and like a social outcast, they make a habit of taking drugs.
Mental Health Conditions
Another primary reason for trying drugs is mental health condition. People who are emotionally weaker tend to feel depressed about the facts of the world. They look for ways to feel free and live life in a normal way as they go through the period of growing up. In such situation, they make a habit of taking drugs and can lead to addiction.
Psychological Trauma
A history of psychological trauma appears to increase the risk of substance abuse. More than 75% of people who suffered from psychological trauma use drugs as a part of self-medicating strategy or provide an avenue towards self-destructive behaviors. Women are more sensitive to drugs than men, and hence need less exposure to similar effects. The availability of these drugs plays an integral role in perpetuation of addictive behaviors within families.
Exposure to Drug Abuse
Exposure to drug abuse in which the young people are raised is another cause why young people get addicted to drugs. If the individuals grow up in an area where adults use drugs, then the person is likely to try the substance themselves. Setting a good example is extremely important to keep them off drugs and related substances. Providing genuine information about drugs is the best way to prevent drug addiction.
The Prevention of Drug Addiction
As said, prevention is always better than cure. It is always best option to deter people from drug abuse. Though it is practically impossible to prevent everyone from using drugs, there are things we can do to avoid drug addiction. Here are some effective tips to prevent drug addiction.
Dealing with Peer Pressure
The biggest reason why people start using drugs is because of their friends or colleagues who utilize per pressure. No one in this world likes to be left out, especially teens and youngsters. If you are in such situation, you should find a better group of friends who won’t pressure you into harmful things. You should plan ahead of time or prepare a good excuse to stay away from tempting situations.
Treat Emotional Illness
Individuals suffering with any mental condition such as – anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress etc. should seek help from a physiatrist. There is a strong connection between mental illness and drug addiction. Those with weak emotional status may easily turn to drugs.
Learn to Deal with Pressure
People of today’s generation are overworked and often feel like taking a good break. However, they make the mistake of turning to drugs and end up making life more stressful. Many of us fail to recognize this. The best way is to find other ways to handle stress. Whether it is taking up exercising or reading a good book, you should try positive things that help in relieving stress.
Understand the Risk Factors
If you are not aware of the risk factors of drug addiction, you should first know about drug abuse. Individuals who are aware of the physical and emotional effects of drug addiction are likely to overcome them. People take up drugs when something in their life is not going well and they are unhappy about their life. One should always look at the big picture and focus on priorities, instead of worrying about short term goals.
Develop Healthy Habits
Eating a well-balanced diet and doing regular exercise is the best way to prevent drug addiction. A healthy body makes it easier for people to deal with stress and handle life effectively, which eventually reduces the temptation to use drugs.
The above tips are a just a few ideas that can help prevent drug addiction. However, if the person has already developed drug addiction, he/she should seek drug detox treatment at the earliest.
The Treatment of Drug Addiction
Drug addiction can be managed effectively like other chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma etc. Treatment of drug addiction is becoming personalized. The comprehensive treatment options not only address addiction, but treat the underlying issues resulting in addiction.
Though there are many options to treat drug addiction, it is not easy. Drug addiction is a chronic disease and one can’t stop using drugs within a few days. A lot of patients need long term or repeated care to stop using drugs completely. Drug addiction treatment depends on the severity of drug abuse. The treatment must stop the person from using drugs as well as keep him away from drugs.
Different treatment methodologies are employed in treating drug abuse. The treatment plan will be devised as per the condition of the addict. It is essential that the treatment is tailored to the unique individual as there is no single treatment that works for all.
Inpatient drug abuse treatment is one of the options that allow the addict to focus on his/her recovery. Attending this treatment facility can increase the chances of completing the drug addiction rehabilitation program, especially if the addict does not have good support system at home.
Outpatient drug abuse treatment is ideal for those addicts who have a supportive environment at home. It is usually recommended for those who want to attend short-term inpatient treatment program.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is another treatment option that is highly effective in treating drug addiction issues. CBT helps in controlling negative thought patterns that lead to drug abuse. Patients can identify the triggers that cause them to use drugs and learn to respond without the need to turn to the substance.
Drug addiction is a complex disease that results from a number of factors such as genetic predisposition, history of violence at home and stress. Researchers have been able to identify the factors that lead to drug abuse. Understanding the root cause of drug addiction is one of the best ways to improve treatment options and outcomes of drug addiction in future.
A lot of people do not understand why people get addicted to drugs and related substances. They mistakenly view drug abuse as a social problem and characterize the addict as a weak person. Though there is no scientific evidence on how exactly drugs work in brain, it can be successfully treated to help people stop abusing drugs. There are many treatments that help people counteract the disruptive effects of drug addiction and regain complete control over life.
(The Author is an undergraduate student at Government Degree College Sumbal Sonawari)


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